Title: Rorschach CA Source: Garmize and Rychlak (1964) Description: Frequencies with which different persons gave particular interpretations to Rorschach inkblot pictures when induced (by role play) into one of six moods. The contingency tabel has been entered in vectorized form, so that Correspondence Analysis can easily be performed using computer programmes such as SPSS. The moods are: 1 Fear 2 Anger 3 Depression 4 Love 5 Ambition 6 Security The interpretations are: 1 Bat 2 Bear 3 Blood 4 Boot(s) 5 Bridge' 6 Butterfly 7 Cave 8 Cloud(s) 9 Fire' 10 Fur 11 Hair 12 Island 13 Mask 14 Mountains 15 Rock(s) 16 Smoke